"Writing is the painting of the voice"

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

To Hazera

After about 25minutes of “YOU and I, You and I, BUT and Because,” Saika said, “You are not understanding Om. I was sick, last whole night, and you didn’t even notice it.” “What on earth told you that I have an inborn talent to read other people’s faces especially when I am angry?” was my reply. (We had a small misunderstanding because of which we didn’t talk for one day and one night.) Now, Saika wants me to forget it which I already did but at the same time she wants me to act “normal” right away and go for dinner with her, which I didn’t agree. I wanted some time on my own, may be god knows for what reason, but she didn’t understand it. So she left the room saying I am not understanding her.  And then surprisingly, I found myself typing. Weird isn’t it? Well, this is what I wrote.

I wanted to finish my final year in AUW with you in a very special way. By saying that, I didn’t mean we have spent sad or bad times together, up until now. We already have spent lots of quality time together that will make me miss my college days very badly in the near future. To describe our closeness, even people around us are wondering whether we are “lesbians”, as if lesbians do not get fed up with each other and go for new partners (Lol).

I had this stupid feeling just before the beginning of 2015. I don’t know what is so special in the word ‘final’ that makes almost all people, somehow, become so emotional. FINAL YEAR, which means final 9 months with you in AUW. With mixture of feelings, excitement for the graduation day and pain for the departure day, I ended up making some Dos and Don’ts plan in my mind which are all related with us.

And here come some of them,
I didn’t want to show my temper the way I showed in the last four years.
I didn’t want to pick a fight with you just because of some stupid reasons which might seem like a political fight at that moment.
I wanted to make everyday very memorable and special so that we can get the double share of happiness and peace compared to that of the last four years.
Thus, I made so many plans and promises to myself just before the beginning of 2015. However, somehow, I figured out that so many things are going just in opposite ways. Then, I thought I will try to follow those plans during our last semester together. Then, again I excitedly waited for the final semester to begin.
Ha ha!! What to say? Final semester is already going on and about my plans, I would say that it was just like daydreaming or expecting a frog to climb a tree. I have realized that we have quarreled and argued with each other so many times this year. In fact, I think we kept all our fighting shares of last four years just for this year. I even got surprised at my own temper at some point. I was so mad at you as well as at myself for letting such things happen.

But, I am no longer angry or upset with you. I don’t regret for all the fights and silly arguments I had with you. Do you feel the same? Do you know why??
After the last fight we had, in fact the longest fight we ever had. I felt nothing. My anger was not there. I felt empty but in a good way. When I found myself just sitting and feeling the usual friendly atmosphere, I was like, “WTF, I am supposed to feel so bad and mad right now. What is happening with me?” And at that right moment, something from inside said, “yes, I just got my best friend.” Of course, I have considered you as my best friend since the day we have decided to eat, stay and talk all the time with each other for the rest of the university life. I have enjoyed all happiness that we have shared. However, seriously, I never knew that even fighting with you, showing my all temper, can cause no harm to our friendship. What did you just do with me that I even feel so comfortable while showing my anger at you, keep aside the rest?

Lately, I have been thinking most of the time about why philosopher have spend so many years arguing, debating and studying about concepts like ‘Beauty’ and ‘aesthetics’ and finally I think I got the answer. I remember, my Professor once said in the class that aesthetic experience occurs when we have disinterest attitude, which means the person no longer cares about his or her own personal interest while experiencing that particular feeling. I am not sure how far I have understood the lecture correctly but I started relating it to our friendship bond. If I had cared a bit about the fear of ending our best friend relationship then I would have never let those silly fights to happen in between us at the very first place. However, I would say feeling different kinds of emotions are human nature but feeling true Beauty of all these emotions is rare. Just like teachers keep the harder lessons for the upper level courses, I think both of us have kept our hot tempers for the final semester. So that, by the time we get to see ‘angry bird,’ we already find ourselves appreciating the Beauty of the bird, which leaves no option for the emotions to cause any effects on our appreciation for the Beauty of the bird.

At some point both of us have accepted that we are met to depart but I have also known that be it last few days with you or beginning first few days with you, we will go with the same phase, that we have been going with, for the last few years. After all, we lived our lives to the fullest in all those gone years, we treasure all those memories, and we value all those gone year pictures together more than the recent ones. This brings the question, “why to make the final semester more special then?”

So now, let me conclude by rephrasing my first line, “I am spending my final semester in AUW by living everyday just the way we have been living but appreciating it in an aesthetic way this time (:P). It simply means I detach myself from judging all the emotional feelings that I go through with you and just appreciate the Beauty of our friendship. There can be more fights and arguments waiting for us in these coming days which means this is the not the end or beginning of our fights but no preparations needed to face it. I am already in love with our friendship. Yes, Hazera, you are my best-est friend J.
                                                With Love,


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