"Writing is the painting of the voice"

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Let's be Better Children for our Parents

Tring Tring…..“What are you doing?” asked my mom. “What will a person do in a office?... of course working” I replied jokingly. “Why did you call me?” I continued. “Just like that…” she replied after a pause and she hung up the phone.  My mom and I just talked in the morning.
So, I wondered why did she call me??….why parents keep worrying about us???
After the office, when I was waiting for my friend’s car, I saw a mother scolding her son who is fully dressed up in so called punk fashion. I don’t know why she was scolding him and what she told him but I heard the boy shouting, “You don’t know anything about 21st century since you are a person made in 20th century. So don’t teach me what is right and what is wrong.” He walked away after saying it but I saw his mother staring at him, without even blinking once, until he disappeared from her sight.
                   I wondered what she was thinking???…. Why parents scold their children even when they know that their children mostly turn on their deaf ears???

When we are just kids, most of us remember the message contained in our parents’ scolds and forget the angry tones and expressions used by them. When we are kids, we are happy with the decisions made by them for us, the food cooked by them and the cloths and gifts bought by them for us. Conflicts seem to grow when we grow up. Time comes when some of us start comparing our parents with our friends’ parents. Some of us start observing their angry tones and expressions more than the messages contained in their scolds. Some of us start seeing happiness and enjoyment outside our home thereby coming up with different reasons to stay outside.

We grow up and so does our roles and responsibilities. We do have rights over our own life but we do have responsibility not to hurt the ones who made us what we are now. We should start thanking people around us, for coming to our life and playing some roles, be it small or big. Of course, we should live, laugh and love throughout our growing stages. However, as we grow older, let’s make sure not to forget that our parents are growing old. Let’s us realize together that our thoughts and feelings for them might change as we grow up but their feelings and love for us remains the same. They might scold us when we are with them and they might call us more than five times in a day when we are far. It might seem annoying since we aren’t kids anymore. However, let us together understand that only the ones, who truly love and care about us will never give a second thought while speaking the bitter truth or while calling us several times. Let us together understand the hidden messages after their every “annoying” actions. Hidden messages like –they call us now and then just to make sure that we are safe or just to say that we are being missed.

We should never forget that our parents never expect us to praise them or acknowledge their love and care towards us. So, when you do something good for your parents and if they don’t notice it, don’t feel bad. Instead, let us together realize that our parents have wholeheartedly accepted all our mistakes throughout our childhood days and kept forgiving us and correcting us. Therefore, let’s together be kind enough to correct them and forgive them as we grow up and they grow old.

We might be away from them or we might not get enough time to spend with them depending upon our situation. However, let us together make sure to hear their voices when we are far from them. Simple acts like calling our parents early in the morning before we begin our day or calling them at night before we call off our day can buy us unlimited happiness for our parents. Or just taking small gifts, if not just a smiley face of ours, with us while we are going home can add peace and happiness to our parent’s lives.

Let us make sure to look up from our mobile screens and talk with them when we are with them. Let us together notice one common thing in our parents and that is,  just like the way we feel happy when we get their attentions as we  grow up, they too enjoy gaining our attention as they grow old. Therefore, let us together pay attention towards our time for our parents and make best use of it. Our parents took every opportunity to make us feel their love, similarly, we should make best use of every time to express our respect, love and care for them.

We know that our parents never expect us to kill our happiness for their happiness. They will never curse us even if we fail to live up to their expectation or hurt them mercilessly. They might throw some harsh words at us, which might hit us so hard and take eons of time to digest. However, deep down, we, children, know that when it comes to their intention and love for us, it’s always pure and unconditional. Our parents have welcomed us warm heartedly on this earth, prays every day for our good health, happiness and success. And they even wish for their own death before seeing our death. Therefore, though we have right over our life to live it our way. Let us together promise to give a second thought when it comes to taking it away.

As time goes by, we get expose to cultures and living standards that weren’t present when our parents were at our stage. Therefore, we should not assume our parents to understand it and we should not change our tone while explaining to them. Free yourself and ease them by saying “sorry” if you end up conversation with them in harsh tones. 

To make it simple for Us, children, to understand. I would say that let us try to be the reason behind their smiles. If not, then let’s, at least, make sure not to be the reason behind their unhappiness, sleepless nights and tears. Let us try to reciprocate our parents love and care by showing them love, care and respect every day as we grow up and they grow old. If not, then let us together make sure that we live happy lives. It is because our parents got such big hearts that they will live their lives happily just by seeing us happy.

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